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7 Tips on How to Grow Your Business with Facebook Marketing

  In today’s digital marketing landscape, businesses need more than ever to stand out from the crowd and prove their worth to potential customers. And with so many businesses using Facebook as a marketing tool, it can be difficult for companies to make their brand memorable enough for people to want to visit their website or purchase their products. With nearly 2 billion users every month, Facebook is a great platform on which you can grow your business. It’s also free and easy to set up. If you're a small business owner or someone who works in marketing at a smaller company, these insights will help you grow your business with Facebook marketing. This post covers strategies for growing your business through Facebook marketing; the various ways to target users, the type of content they respond best to, and much more. Read on for these helpful tips.   Build a Community   A Facebook community is a way for people to connect on Facebook. When you build a Faceboo...

Is Amazon Still Wort it or Not in 2021? (5 Things to Consider)


Today we're going to be breaking down whether or not you should start an amazon business right now we’re in 2021. A lot of people are thinking is it too late, is it too competitive, what are my thoughts going into 2021, should I start right now even though we're kind of in a mix of a big mess with 2020 what should I do. We're going to be breaking down five things to consider

The first thing that I want to talk about is four words everybody has heard it I know it and it's one of the biggest concerns people have and it is ‘AMAZON FBA IS DEAD’. 

You've probably thought to yourself is it too competitive, is it dead, can I succeed is it saturated, I know all of those questions have gone through your head and I want to kind of explain this amazon FBA  is the dead topic and explain why it's just complete trash, and why you shouldn't even worry about that. If we look at their sales revenue from 2006 to 2020 so the last 14 years we can see that they had their peak in 2014. What has it done since it's crashed, it went from 16 billion down to 8 billion now 8 billion is a lot but they taint if we look at amazon, amazon is a massive uphill trend, and so when people are saying amazon's dead that's a bunch of bs because it's not it's growing. Every single year exponentially where on the flip side eBay, yes if you're trying to sell on eBay yes you can make some money, but the opportunity there is just not near as good as amazon.

 Amazon is not dead there's still tons of opportunity and especially with how things are going more people are shopping online. They're not going to grocery stores with what's going on in the world they'd rather go and shop on Amazon and get it delivered to them in one to two days. Amazon is going to be the thing of the future and it is the future, so if you want to take part in that future then sell on Amazon. It's not too competitive, it's not too saturated but it is if you don't know what you're doing so that is the first thing to consider when starting an amazon business in 2021.

The second thing that I want to talk about is a lot of people have been asking me lately, is it too late to capitalize on Q4. 

If I start today can I launch a product, and successfully rank it and take advantage of these holiday sales, and for those that don't know what Q4 is, it's the last three months of the year (OCT, NOV, DEC). Q4 is normally one of the better times to be selling on amazon because of the increased demand more people are shopping.  People are getting Christmas gifts and it's just a killer time to sell on Amazon, but a lot of people have the mindset that they're looking to start selling on Amazon right now. They're like if I don't start selling in the next two weeks my business is going to fail, it's going to burn on fire and I'm never going to succeed because come 2021 I'm not going to be able to launch and rank my product.

 I'm here to tell you that yes it's probably too late to start right now to capitalize on Q4 because by the time you reach out to your supplier to find a product get it manufactured to send it to amazon to get it checked in to then launch it. It's going to be the middle of December maybe January if not the end of January and so a lot of people are concerned and they're like well I just missed my entire opportunity to start an Amazon business. You did not miss your opportunity because amazon is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I'm sick of people just wanting to come into amazon and make a quick buck and launch during Q4 to make a million dollars because, in reality, one product launching during Q4 is not going to make you a million dollars. What's going to make you a million dollars is if you build a legitimate business and you start with one product then you go to two products, and you start building a brand three four five products that are what's going to make you a million dollars, so don't get hung up on the fact that if I don't start in Q4 in 2021 it's going to fail because that's not the case.

The third thing is that you need to think that amazon FBA is a long-term business because it completely is where Shopify dropshipping for example that's not a long-term viable business model that lasts a couple of months and max and then it kind of fades off, and then you have to find a new product. Where amazon you're selling the same products for years and years and years to come so that's the mindset that you have to have. Don't fall into it that trap of thinking that it's too late. My recommendation to people that are looking to start right now is this is a great time to start, learning the process of product research. Start learning how to reach out to suppliers, and get samples, and perfect the product, and then next year you'll have the product ready to roll and you'll just hit the ground running, so that's my advice for people that are looking to start.

There's no sense to rush it for Q4 play the long game and everything's going to work out. The third thing that I want to talk about is 2020. This is going to be a year that everybody is going to remember, there's been a lot of ups and downs, there's been a lot of struggle, there's been a lot of change in our daily lives. One of the biggest changes are not a lot of people are going out and about a lot of people are out of their traditional normal routine going to the mall, going to the grocery stores and they're starting to realize that hey I don't need to go to the mall to get a birthday present.  I can jump online and find the same product and sometimes it's even a better deal. I don't have to drive there, and I can just click a few buttons and it gets shipped to my door. Mindsets have been changed during 2020 and so that's what I think coming in the future 2020 to 2023 I think more and more and more people are going to be shopping online.

 I know I talked about the growth of amazon I think that they're just at the beginning. They're going to continue to grow and it shows amazon is employing hundreds of thousands of people where other businesses, they're laying people off and that's kind of a sign to me that Amazon is on to something they're basically on a gold mine. I mean to be hiring a hundred thousand employees and still not be able to keep up with the demand. Something is going on that I want to be a part of that's why I recommend people to start an Amazon business. I don't see amazon going anywhere for the next 10 15 years. Now is the time to start an amazon business don't regret it. A lot of people were like in 2018 I just not sure but then this the whole pandemic thing happened they're like oh now I see the opportunity don't be that person if you hear about it jump on it and you'll thank yourself later. 

The fourth thing is Chinese new year so for those that don't know what Chinese new year is during February all suppliers take three weeks to a month off where they don't do any production, they don't send out any orders and productions are at a halt and so what that means for us as amazon sellers is we can't get any more inventory or we can't launch new products.

 Prepare for the Chinese new year and find products get the samples to get it ready to go so come January you have your inventory. You're launching during February, which is one of the best times to launch because not everybody is launching products, so now is the time to think about that and prepare for it. If you're launching a product during that time when no one else can launch that same product or copy your idea that's just being one step ahead of the game, so take advantage of it take some time right now to do things right to build a legitimate brand.

You go try to start any other business it's going to cost you twenty thousand fifty thousand a hundred thousand. Where amazon you can invest two three thousand dollars to get a product up and going that thing can just print money over and over and over again, so why not start an amazon business.

The last thing is it's a great opportunity and worse. Comes to worse you lose two thousand dollars and you learn a lot so that's the fifth thing take advantage of amazon there's a huge opportunity.

 I know that if you do go into it with the right mindset with the intent of building a long-term business and if you get help from the right people then you are going to crush it. So get some help from people who already know Amazon. Who have experience over this, learn how to find product, how to research, and how much it’ll be cost? How to handle things after launching a product? After that you’ll be able to start and maintain your Amazon business.


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